How many airports with paved runways are there in Cameroon?
89% get this wrongHow many companies in Cameroon have a female top manager?
86% get this wrongIs Cameroon a low-, middle-, or high-income country?
74% get this wrongHow many start-up companies in Cameroon, created after 2015, are listed on the international investment site Crunchbase?
77% get this wrongHow many vacation rentals in Cameroon are listed on Airbnb?
71% get this wrongHow many languages are there in Cameroon?
84% get this wrongIn Cameroon, of all children aged 7 to 11, how many went to school in 2017?
81% get this wrongHow many babies in Cameroon were vaccinated against some disease in 2019?
83% get this wrongHow many people in Cameroon have some access to electricity?
73% get this wrong