In 1980, roughly 40% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty, with less than $2 per day. What is the share today?
87% get this wrongHow many of the world’s 250 richest companies describe climate change as a risk in their annual reports?
84% get this wrongHow much of the food eaten by people in Africa is produced in Africa?
76% get this wrongAt the end of 2022, the world population was roughly 8 billion people. How many were international refugees, asylum seekers or displaced abroad by humanitarian crises?
59% get this wrongWhat share of Nigeria's electricity comes from renewable sources?
67% get this wrongOf all the babies born in India, how many are born in a health facility?
90% get this wrongIn 2017, there were around 160,000 refugees in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. How many were employed by or ran some form of private business?
83% get this wrongWorldwide, how many workers have informal jobs that are not registered with the government (and are not in agriculture)?
73% get this wrong8 questions
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