UN Goal 6
Clean water and sanitation
UN Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
4 min
UN Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation Exam
Answer 9 questions correct in one go.
How many people in the world have access to safe drinking water within 30 minutes of their home?
Worldwide, how many people living in rural areas use surface water (such as lakes, rivers and streams) as their drinking water?
Worldwide, how many people have no toilet of any kind, and instead have to use bushes, fields or streets?
Of all the freshwater used in the world, how much goes to agriculture?
How many countries (out of 195) have at least one desalination plant, removing salt from salt water?
How many countries have rules requiring that local communities are included when planning and managing freshwater resources?
Worldwide, how many people living in rural areas have a toilet that they don't have to share with other households?
How many people in the world have soap and water to wash their hands at home?
How many people in the world have to make a round trip of more than 30 minutes to collect drinking water?
What share of the world population uses toilets connected to sewers?
Worldwide, how many people in rural areas have access to drinking water within 30 minutes of their home?
9 questions
To pass this test you must get all questions right in one streak. You can try again as many times as you need.