UN Goal 9
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
UN Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
4 min
UN Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Exam
Answer 13 questions correct in one go.
How much of the world's economy comes from agriculture, forestry and fishing?
How many people in the world have a mobile phone subscription?
Ports in high-income countries handled around 350 million containers in 2020. What was that number for low- and middle-income countries?
What share of all workers worldwide are employed in the manufacturing sector?
How many people in the world live within range of a 3G or higher quality mobile network?
What share of the world’s population used the Internet in 2023?
Roughly what is the minimum wage in these countries with lots of textile factories, India, China, Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia?
In 2021, cargo ships worldwide carried 11 billion tons. What share of the cargo was oil, petroleum products, gas and chemicals?
In 2020, the manufacturing sector contributed how much to the world's economy?
How many countries have made cooperation agreements with China's Belt and Road Initiative?
How many countries have satellites in orbit around the earth?
Globally, which region has the highest number of mobile money accounts?
What share of all greenhouse gas emissions come from airplanes?
13 questions
To pass this test you must get all questions right in one streak. You can try again as many times as you need.