In 1980, roughly 40% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty, with less than $2 per day. What is the share today?
87% get this wrongWhat share of the world’s population don't have enough food to meet their daily energy needs?
79% get this wrongIn which countries are people on average least satisfied with their lives?
69% get this wrongWorldwide, how many children under age 15 do not achieve the required minimum skills in reading and math?
74% get this wrongAcross the world, women do more unpaid care and domestic work than men. How much more?
69% get this wrongHow many people in the world have access to basic drinking water within 30 minutes of their home?
82% get this wrongHow many people in the world have some access to electricity?
72% get this wrongIn 1990, 58% of the world's population lived in low-income countries. What is the share today?
93% get this wrongWhat share of the world’s population used the Internet in 2024?
66% get this wrongIn 1990, 3% of the world’s population lived in a different country than where they were born. What is that share today?
88% get this wrongHow did the number of deaths per year from natural disasters change over the last hundred years?
84% get this wrongWhat happened to the total amount of raw materials used across the world annually since 2000?
70% get this wrongWhat happens to the average global temperature if we halve the annual net emissions of CO2, today?
67% get this wrongWhat share of all plastic waste in the world ends up in the oceans?
86% get this wrongWhat group of animals has the highest share of threatened species?
70% get this wrongIn the 1950s, 50% of all wars occurred between countries that are recognized as sovereign states by the UN. What is that number today?
78% get this wrongWhich of these maps shows all the members of the United Nations?
65% get this wrongThe United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals have a total of 169 targets. How many of them mention the words "democracy" or "democratic"?
80% get this wrongWhat share of the population in high-income countries (like Germany and the USA) live in extreme poverty (with less than $2/day)?
77% get this wrongIn 2023, the number of children who died before age five was around 4% worldwide. What was this number back in 1900?
71% get this wrongIn 1990, 39% of the global labour force was female. What is this value today?
92% get this wrongHow many people worldwide have their basic needs met when it comes to food, water, toilets, electricity, schooling and healthcare?
79% get this wrongIn 1990, 58% of the world's population lived in low-income countries. What is the share today?
93% get this wrongOf all money earned in the world, how much comes from services, such as administration, banking, care, teaching, transport and entertainment?
66% get this wrongMegacities are cities with more than 10 million inhabitants. What share of the world's population is expected to live in megacities in 2030?
82% get this wrongDuring the past 40 years the total amount of oil and natural gas in known underground reserves:
87% get this wrongWhat happened to CO2 emissions from the EU and USA since 2005?
76% get this wrongCountries with incomes like India, Morocco and Bolivia, emit how much CO2 per person, compared to high-income countries?
82% get this wrongWhen biologists started counting fish in the oceans in 1950, around 1% of existing fish stocks were overexploited. By 2019 this share was...
62% get this wrongFor all vertebrate species (animals with skeletons), how much did their wild populations decline on average during the past 50 years?
75% get this wrongIn the 1950s, 50% of all wars occurred between countries that are recognized as sovereign states by the UN. What is that number today?
78% get this wrongOf all financial aid received by the least developed countries, how much comes from charity and philanthropy?
78% get this wrong18 questions
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